Board Member Highlight: Curt Melcher

As announced earlier this year, Curt Melcher is retiring from his position as the Director of the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) effective April 30th. Curt, a native Oregonian, received his degree in biology from the University of Oregon and began his distinguished career with the Department as a temporary employee in 1985. Over the next four decades, Curt served in a variety of roles within ODFW, including Deputy Director and interim Director, before officially taking on the permanent position in 2015.

As Director, Curt navigated budget challenges and a diverse mix of challenging conservation policy questions including closure of the Deschutes River to Steelhead fishing in 2021; a decision that impacted the livelihoods of fishing guides including Brad Staples, who is also a member of our Board of Directors.

Curt is approachable, a good listener, and ever willing to explain policy choices. Brad said that’s something he appreciates about Curt and he was able to have an open conversation with him about the impact of the Deschutes closure and the rationale behind it.

The founding members of the Oregon Wildlife (Heritage) Foundation had the forethought, when crafting our original bylaws, to include an ex-officio position specifically for the Director of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife on our Board of Directors. Curt, pending his retirement this month, has been an ex-officio member since 2015.

Curt has been a tremendous asset to the Foundation. His experience and knowledge have informed our decision-making and strengthened the working relationship between our two organizations.

It is our sincere hope that, after some well-deserved R&R, Curt will rejoin our Board in an official capacity. We are better for his involvement and participation.

Please join us in thanking Curt Melcher for his service and dedication to Oregon's people and natural resources!


Gallery: Clays for Conservation - 2024


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