Privacy Policy
We at Oregon Wildlife Foundation are constantly striving to provide excellent service to you, our supporters, while building a long-lasting relationship with you. To achieve these goals, we occasionally need information about you when you visit our site.
First and foremost, Oregon Wildlife Foundation respects your right to privacy. When you visit our website, you may be providing information to Oregon Wildlife Foundation on two different levels about your visit: anonymous statistics collected as you browse the site and personal information you knowingly give us. We've elaborated belong to let you know how we handle this information.
As you browse the site, our web servers collect information about your visit, not about you personally. Via web server logs, we monitor statistics such as:
How many people visit our site
Which pages people visit on our site
From which domains our visitors come (e.g., "" or "")
Which browsers people use to visit our site
While we gather this information, none of it is associated with you as an individual. We use these statistics to improve our website, to monitor its performance, and to make it easier for you and other visitors to use.
Whenever you request a page from the website which originally sent the cookie, your browser sends the cookie data back to the website so that the website can detect that you have been there before. A cookie may contain information (such as a unique user ID) that is used to track the pages of the websites you've visited. This information is stored in a safe and secure database. You can refuse cookies by turning them off in your browser.
Organizational/Personal Information You Knowingly Give Us
Within you may be asked to give us personal or organizational information in order to participate in a forum, to receive a newsletter or information about a product, or service or to access special services. This information may range from your generic zip code, to your specific phone number, email address, organization URL and mailing address.
OWF Forms
The registration forms (such as event, donations) require users to give us accurate contact information, like name and email address, references that help us better serve you. Your name and email address may be used to send you information about our Foundation, events, special offers, and newsletters. You may always remove your name entirely from databases.
How We Use Information
To improve our site - information may be collected to help create site content and navigation that is most relevant and user friendly.
To respond to user inquiries and requests for information - this includes registration for newsletters and specific requests for further information.
We do not engage in the practice of selling our customer lists or customer information to third parties. However, we do from time to time, engage in joint marketing or other similar arrangements with responsible companies, and in the course of such activities may share our customer information with such parties, which sharing may result in communications by such parties to you. This sharing is done solely as a result of our belief that the information communicated to you by such parties will be of interest to you.
Oregon Wildlife Foundation has always valued your privacy, and we reinforce this belief throughout our organization. Your information will be protected as described unless this specific page says otherwise. If you have further questions about our privacy policy, please contact us.
Method of Transaction Security
When you make a donation using eCommerce pages, you are transferred from an unsecured web server to a secured web server which utilizes SSL (Secure Socket Layer). Electronic purchases should ONLY be made on servers that utilize SSL. The SSL is located on a web site server that is separate from ALL services and business locations. This secure site is where the actual transaction takes place and where all secure personal information such as credit card numbers, expiration dates or mailing addresses are stored. This secure site is located at a U.S. bank in the United States of America NOT at Oregon Wildlife Foundation.
Oregon Wildlife Foundation does not store credit card information on or in its business location.

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