Your Gift of Time and Talent
We appreciate your interest in supporting wildlife conservation in Oregon by contributing your time and talent!
Volunteer opportunities at Oregon Wildlife Foundation’s office in Portland or remotely include service on one of our committees (projects, investment, finance), administrative support, assistance with fundraising, or helping us put on one of our special events.
More “hands on” volunteer opportunities are available through our sponsored projects: shuttle red-legged frogs across Highway 30 with Linnton Frogs, count sage grouse in remote SE Oregon with the Adopt-a-Lek program, restore and maintain wildlife habitat with Friends of Baltimore Woods and Friends of Fanno Creek Headwaters in SW or North Portland respectively.
To volunteer with us or one of our partners, please fill out the form below.

Current Opportunities
The Adopt-a-Lek program trains citizen volunteers to conduct lek attendance surveys in remote areas of SE Oregon. The information collected by Adopt-a-Lek volunteers is entered into Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s long-term sage grouse database and are used to determine population trends and estimates that are needed for the on-going monitoring and conservation of the species.
Target count periods for 2025 are March 15–31, April 1–15, and April 16–30, with seven days between at individual leks. This program is the only one of its kind in which a state wildlife agency engages volunteers to help inventory sage-grouse on their leks.
Friends of Baltimore Woods
Baltimore Woods is a watershed area for the Willamette River. As a 1 1/2 mile buffer between industry and residential, it contains native White Oak and Big Leaf Maple. Friends of Baltimore Woods (FOBW) seeks to preserve North Portland’s Baltimore Woods not only for bicyclists, pedestrians, and wildlife but also as an outdoor classroom for local schools.
Please fill out the form on the FOBW website. They have events on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Here is a link to their upcoming events Upcoming Events – Friends of Baltimore Woods
Friends of Fanno Creek Headwaters
Friends of Fanno Creek Headwaters (FOFCH) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help save, restore, and educate about the importance of urban green spaces in the Fanno Creek Watershed. They value access to nature for all. FOFCH has used the trail project as a springboard to engage the broader community in various restoration and education programs that will maintain and improve neighborhood green spaces.
For Friends of Fanno Creek Headwaters, I would email their coordinator at and let them know you'd like to volunteer for an upcoming event.
Harborton Frog Shuttle (Linnton Frogs)
In the northwest Portland town of Linnton, a group of dedicated volunteers physically assist the Red-legged frog population migrate twice per year. To make the journey from their elevated inland habitat to their breeding grounds in the wetlands below, the frogs need to travel about a mile across two local roads, busy Highway 30, and two sets of railroad tracks—often making the trip during rush hour in the early darkness of December and January.
Here is information for you to review and a volunteer questionnaire to complete if you would like to join a team each winter. First, to see if this will work for you, thoroughly read our volunteer instructions at
This gives you details about how we operate and describes the commitment you will need to make to this project. If, after reviewing our volunteer instructions, you still want to get involved, fill out our volunteer intake form: with the Harborton Frog Shuttle Project will get in touch with you about their volunteer training event.
Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture
Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture directly supports birds and their habitats, working at the local, regional and flyway scales. The organization works with projects that raise awareness about birds and why birds matter, directly conserve habitat, increase knowledge or develop data layers that inform conservation work, increase capacity, or create or support local partnerships centered on their priority habitats.
Let’s work together.
Are you interested in supporting the Foundation’s work or that of one of our partners? Fill out the information below and we will get in touch with you. Please allow for at least 5-7 business days for a response.

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