Capital Campaigns
One of our strengths is connecting private donors with wildlife conservation and public access projects across Oregon. In addition, the Foundation can and does serve as a fiscal agent for grant proposals, aggregates donations, and manages expenditures on behalf of a project

In addition to providing capital to projects of significance, the Foundation can:
1. Serve as your fiscal agent and administer the funds being raised
2. Be your fiscal sponsor (see fiscal sponsorship below)
3. Raise public awareness and funding as a project partner
If your organization has limited fundraising capacity or you are part of an emerging coalition organizing to address a conservation need through an on-the-ground project, Oregon Wildlife Foundation may be able to help you.
Some recent examples of our work in this area include:
Sturgeon Lake Reconnection Project - we partnered with the West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District to raise private funding support for this vital project to reconnect Sturgeon Lake on Sauvie Island with the Columbia River. Reestablishing this connection is helping ensure that this critically-important lake habitat isn’t lost to siltation.
Gilchrist Wildlife Crossing Fencing Project - as one of several partners, we worked closely with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to coordinate fundraising efforts for the wildlife fencing needed to complete this project on Highway 97 near the town of Gilchrist.
Southern Oregon Wildlife Crossing Coalition - on behalf of 16 organizations, public agencies, and nonprofits, we are raising money for and receiving donations to implement wildlife passage projects in a 14-mile section of I-5 in southern Oregon.