Existing Funds

Funds unrestricted in their purpose:

Oregon Wildlife Foundation Endowment Fund
Established through gifts from long-time supporters, our operating endowment fund helps us keep administrative costs as low as possible. Continued growth of our endowment, through gifts and capital appreciation, ensures the lion’s share of the funds we receive for projects is used for on-the-ground work and not overhead expenses.

Funds restricted in their purpose:

Deschutes River Basin Fund
A bequest from the Fiske family created this endowment, whose earnings support projects within the Deschutes River basin. If you would like to see more work done along the Deschutes River, please consider making a donation to this Fund.

Nehalem River Basin Fund
Established with funds from a mitigation settlement, this spend-down fund is being used to improve aquatic habitat and riparian zone function within the Nehalem River basin. Your donation to support work within the Nehalem River basin is welcomed. 

Oregon Conservation Strategy ne State Wildlife Action Plan Implementation Fund

This spend-down fund was created by a long-time donor to support projects benefiting non-game, non-fish species in Oregon, including insects, other invertebrates, and their habitats with priority given to:

  • strategy species identified in Oregon’s State Wildlife Action Plan

  • species listed or considered endangered or threatened at the Federal or State level

  • keystone species - beaver, coyote, grey wolf, brown bear, California lynx, wolverine, condor

Your donation to this fund supports non-game, non-fish species projects in Oregon. 

Watch for Wildlife Fund
Funded primarily through proceeds generated by the sale and renewal of our Watch for Wildlife specialty license plate, this spend-down fund supports wildlife passage and habitat connectivity projects for the multitude of wildlife species that must move to survive. Your donation to this fund or purchase of the Watch for Wildlife license plate supports this work. If you operate a car or pickup truck registered in Oregon go here to order your license plate. To donate to the fund, use the button below.

OSP Conservation K-9 Fund

Through the generous support of our donors, the Foundation provided startup funding for each of Oregon State Police’s Conservation K-9 teams. While the Department is responsible for ongoing operating expenses, this fund helps offset costs associated with the canine members of the teams, including veterinary care, grooming, training tools, and toys. Your gift to this fund helps ensure that Buck and Scout are healthy, happy, and ready for duty!

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