Illustrated: A Puffin Life Cycle

Originally published August 11, 2021

The place I am born is dark and earthy. Above me, the light shines in through the single entrance to my small and cozy home. The air is salty, and I wonder what is out there.

My parents take turns bringing me snacks. Throughout the day, they will appear again and again with small fish in their beaks. Rockfish and sand lance, sometimes squid and krill. All my favorites!

When I am big enough, and when my feathers are fully waterproof, I get to look outside. There’s so much to see!

My parents teach me to fly--they are so fast and strong!

After some practice, I will be too.

As the summer ends, I go out to sea. I spend my days flying and taking in the sights, resting on the gentle waves, and diving down deep to catch my keep.

I spend 2-3 years on the open water, until I am ready for the next stage of my life…

...It’s time to find a mate. We are all dressed for the occasion, with bright white faces and cream colored tufts, unlike our dark winter plumage. I am careful about choosing the right bird for me! We mate for life, you know.

In April we will scour the coast to find a good place to nest. Hm, this one looks familiar...


Field Notes: Puffin Research


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