Oregon needs your support

Originally published November 30, 2020

The time of year has come for us to reflect on who we are, what we stand for, and how we plan to continue getting our mission-focused work done in the coming year. The Foundation’s 2020 conservation accomplishments range from the installation of large wood debris at Camp Creek, to opening a dedicated wildfire recovery fund this fall, to continuing our wolverine survey in the Wallowas.

Whether you've been with us for decades or just met us today, we're asking you this season - on Giving Tuesday or even on New Year's eve - to join us in giving back to Oregon. Only with your support can we ensure Oregon's future is healthy and long lasting for humans, amphibians, winged, webbed and four-legged friends.

Some of our 2021 Goals are:

  • Increase public education on conservation issues

  • Grant funding to small groups and individuals who need financial support bringing their ideas to fruition

  • Raise funds for long-term habitat restoration projects

  • Support other nonprofits

  • Collaborate with agencies to create an authentic conservation strategy

If you have enjoyed any of our programming or support our mission and work, please take a moment to give back to Oregon by donating to the Oregon Wildlife Foundation. A dollar to us is a dollar invested into Oregon's natural resources, and those who inhabit it.


Leading the Way to Community Supported Conservation


Wildlife Habitat Recovery Fund