Adventures Without Limits Partnership
Getting onto the water and into nature for recreation is an equity issue. Traditional land management practices have created a disparity in access for the disabled community by unintentionally creating impassible water access points and nature trails. It is becoming more and more critical to address the issue of water access and natural shade, particularly in the urban environment as we all experience an increase in climate-driven heat waves. Access to the physical, mental, and social benefits of nature is more difficult for people with disabilities and those with multi-marginalized identities.
We have partnered with Adventures Without Limits (AWL) and traditional land managers, such as the US Fish and Wildlife Service, to begin addressing this disparity in Oregon by providing on-the-water programming and nature hikes for the disabled community. Many people with disabilities are unable to access the natural environment (especially water) without the assistance of able-bodied individuals, specialized gear, and guides.
The programs that AWL provides are, for many people with disabilities, one of only a few times in a year that they can paddle a river, go for a hike, or go camping. AWL programming addresses a reality for people with disabilities, even as efforts are made by land managers to make our natural environment more accessible for people with disabilities. Accessibility focused construction projects, like the proposed improvements to ODFW’s Coyote Creek kayak/canoe launch project at Fern Ridge Wildlife Area, will increase the ease with which organizations like AWL can provide programming for people with disabilities. That said, the need for AWL’s programming will not decrease with the completion of this built project or others because, no matter how accessible a launch site is, once the wheelchair user is in the kayak or the canoe, an able-bodied person still needs to put their wheelchair back in a car.
For many people, maneuvering a kayak on their own from a car to the water will never be physically possible. Consequently, the programming that AWL provides, serves to increase the utilization of accessible sites by people with disabilities. Through connections made by ODFW with OWF, AWL, and USFWS, they are now working to increase the accessibility of two recreational sites and are now partnering with USFWS and the Oregon Spinal Cord Injury Connection on disabled hunting and fishing events. Support for this summer programming is leading to more programming throughout the year and built projects focused on accessibility in Oregon.
Photo courtesy of Adventures Without Limits
OWF has already received some funding support from USFWS for this initiative and with the allocation of addition funding, through our MOU with AWL, we will be able to provide eight river paddles and ten hikes to the disabled community during the summer of 2024. This represents a significant increase over the three paddles organized by AWL in 2023 and seeks to meet the growing interest of the disabled communities in Portland and Salem with this programming.
Funding will be used, in part, to scout new locations, in addition to Cook Park on the Tualatin River that was used in 2023. AWL’s team of certified guides and trained volunteers leads hundreds of trips annually with more than twenty-two partner organizations. AWL guides will ensure that participants have a safe and enjoyable time during these events. AWL will also work with its disability-led partners (e.g., Oregon Spinal Cord Injury Connection) to effectively organize and advertise these outings. USFWS will provide its own employees as volunteer bird guides for these events, as was done and greatly appreciated in 2023.
Photo courtesy of Adventures Without Limits
OWF and AWL will work directly with the USFWS at each stage to manage this project. Specifically, the USFWS will help to scout locations for the on-water events and provide volunteers for the events. Erin Abernethy, Ph.D., is the Portland Area Urban Conservation Coordinator for the USFWS and will be working with OWF and AWL to help coordinate this project.
For more information or how to participate in an upcoming AWL event visit Adventures Without Limits ( or call (503) 359-2568.